Chami´s home page

Pablo A. Chami

In this personal page I publish the subjects that are of my interest: the historical roots of Sepharad (the Jewish name for Spain); some aspects of Argentina´s history, beginning with a biography of general don Jose de San Martin; also a complete novel that is called Sepharad.

Argentina Spanish Text

Year I Number 4
Updated July 25th, 1998.


My Roots
in Sepharad

Street of Rhodes



Jose de San Martin

San Martin


 Latin America

Latin American




On October 21th , 1997, I begun to write my page.
My name is Pablo A. Chami, I live in Buenos Aires city, capital of the Argentine Republic.

I wrote my page in Spanish but many friends that could not read that language asked for an English translation. So I tried to do my best in a language that is not mine. Forgive my mistakes and tell me if there is something that you do not understand.

Once I read -I dont remember where- that a father has to give two things to his children: roots and wings. Then I began by the beginning: look for my roots.

This search took me to write a novel called Sefarad. It deals with the expulsion of the jews from Spain in 1492 and how some of them arrived to the island of Rhodes.
The 26th of December 1997, I finished the complete publication of the novel in the Net. In April 21th, 1998, the novel was published by Lumen of Buenos Aires. (in Spanish)

I continued looking in the past. I wanted to know how the Argentine Republic had became independent from Spain and when the Inquisition had been abolished. Studying the first decade of life of our country, I found the figure of the general Jose de San Martin who had freed from the yoke of Spain half of the South American continent. My first idea was to look for data in Internet, and I found that there was no work on the Liberator in the Net in Spanish language. Only a small article written in English by an Australian. Then I wanted to fill that emptiness and I wrote a brief biography of the Liberator, don Jose de San Martin.

During these months of navigation in the net, I found several pages dedicated to Libertador San Martín and others dedicated to different Latinoamerican independence heros. Then, I put them together in one page where "navigators" interested in the South American nationalities could find them.

Director and Proprietor: Pablo A. Chami

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La Página de Chami
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